Mod Information

TCL - Street Car Pack v1.0

Our take on physics for street type cars, inspired by the famous and beloved WDTS car pack.

This car pack is first and foremost inspired by driving feel and smooth tandems, although realism is an important factor, some aspects have been simplified for a better driving experience over realism.

TCL Tire compound was specifically designed for drifting and therefore has adjusted wear.
Tires will catch fire at ~360°c+ and should pop at 390°c+ outer temps.

SCS SM Tires (SWAM) were added as an alternative to TCL Tire compounds.
Credits to SCS Binman for those.

Use with extended physics enabled!
If used without extended physics the cars will not behave and feel correct!
Suspension behavior as well as tire behavior both depend on extended physics.

Error Messages:
There will be error prompts during loading, do not be bothered by them.
“Texture XXX is missing from XXX make sure model is not damaged”

Huge Thank You! to everyone that was involved in creating this.

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Date Published: 14/02/2025
Last Updated: 18/02/2025
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